Raipur: In a tragic incident, three children belonging to the same family died after falling into a well on Sunday evening in Charoda village of Arang in Chhattisgarh capital Raipur, official sources said. The deceased include two immediate siblings and a cousin, sources said. It is learnt that the incident took place while the children were plucking guavas in village.
An official said that the three children Kesar Sahu (aged 8), Ullas Sahu (5 years) and Payes Sahu (4 years) climbed the guava tree in the courtyard of their house in Charoda village. There is a well adjacent to the tree itself which was covered with mesh for safety purpose. All the three children climbed the tree to pluck guavas.
Also read:Watch: A young man rescued from a well in Rajkot
As the children were plucking the fruit, the branch of the tree broke and fell on the net of the well. Due to the weakness of the mesh, it tore as a result of which the children fell into the well, an official said. It is learnt that the families did not know about the mishap initially. When the children did not return home, the families started searching for them.
In the meantime, the net in the well was seen broken, with some branches of the guava tree strewn around. Fearing something untoward, the family members searched the well. During the subsequent rescue operation, the dead bodies of three children were recovered from the well triggering a pall of gloom in the house in particular and the entire village in general.
Arang police station in-charge Kamla Pusam Thakur said that the bodies of three children were removed from the well and have been handed over to the families after postmortem.