Raipur: In a major breakthrough in the crackdown on drugs by the Chhattisgarh government, Raipur Police has arrested six persons with drugs worth more than Rs 1crore. Raipur SSP Prashant Agarwal, ASP Abhishek and DC Patel said that police have recovered intoxicating tablets worth Rs 1.99 lakh from the possession of the accused who were planning to deliver the cache of intoxicants among the youth of Chhattisgarh.
The police have booked all six accused under the NDPS Act. Police had received specific inputs that in Mukut Nagar of Azad Chowk police station area, two bike-borne youths are looking for a customer trying to sell intoxicating tablets. Police soon rushed to the spot and nabbed the bike riders Kiyazuddin and J Bhaskar.
Also read:Since January, NCB Mumbai has seized 11,300 kg drugs, arrested 58 persons
As many as 120 alprazolam and 140 Spasmo tablets were recovered from their possession. SSP Prashant Agarwal said that during interrogation of the duo, police nabbed third accused Ravindra Goyal from old Basti area. Police recovered 14,000 Spasno tablets from his possession. Ravindra used to supply drug tablets in his car, which has also been confiscated by the police.
Ravindra 's interrogation led to the arrest of Mukesh Sahu, a medical representative who was also taken into custody from Durg. Police recovered 28,000 Spasmo tablets from Sahu's possession. Mukesh confessed to buying these goods from father-son duo Mohammad Hassan and Sahil Hasan from Raipur. Both were arrested from their residence in Pandri Raipur. Police have recovered a total of 1,13,944 tablets of Spasmos and 41,600 tablets of Alprazolam from the possession of father and son packed in nine cartons.