Bijapur (Chhattisgarh): In an untoward incident, a pregnant woman in Minapalli village under Bhopalpatanam police limits in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district was carried for about 15 km in a cauldron amidst the hilly roads, crossed a river and consequently gave birth to a dead baby boy on Wednesday.
The woman has been identified as Laxmi Yalam, wife of harish Yalam of the same village.
According to reports, Laxmi experienced labour pains this morning. But the ambulances did not turn up despite calls. So, the family members made a sling using a cauldron and carried her over the hilly terrain for around 10 km.
The woes of that woman did not end there. They had to wade across the Chintavagu river in that cauldron again and walk for 5 kilometres to Bhopalpatanam CHC.