Raipur (Chhattisgarh): In a bid to contain the spread of coronavirus, police in Chhattisgarh's Janjgir-Champa district have created a mobile application to keep a tab on those violating the home quarantine order, an official said.
Nearly 6,200 people, most of them with history of travel to foreign nations or other affected states in India, are kept under home quarantine in Janjgir-Champa district.
Also read: Cops don coronavirus-themed attire, urge people to stay home
"With a large number of people in home quarantine, it is not possible to keep each one under surveillance on a regular basis. So, we decided to use the digital mechanism to tackle the issue," Janjgir-Champa Superintendent of Police (SP) Parul Mathur said on Tuesday.
The police, with the help of Noida-based startup Mobcoder, developed the app 'Rakhsa Sarv', which enables them to track the quarantined people through Google Map.
Details of the home-quarantined people are being fed in the app's dashboard, Mathur said.
Police teams have started installing the application in the phones of those kept under home quarantine and so far, over 50 per cent of such people have been covered, she said.
"The quarantined person will have to upload a selfie in the app every hour which will specify his/her location.
If the person steps out of the house (along with mobile) and reach the prescribed limit of 200 metres, the app will send an alert to the local police station," she said.