Bijapur: Four Maoists were killed in an encounter with security personnel in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur on Saturday, a police official said. The gunfight took place around 7.30 am in Pomra forest under Mirtur police station limits. The operation involved the personnel of the District Reserve Guard (DRG), the Special Task Force (STF) and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF).
4 Maoists killed in encounter with security personnel in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur
The operation involved the personnel of the District Reserve Guard (DRG), the Special Task Force (STF) and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF).
"The encounter took place in the Pomara forest of Mirtur police station area at around 7.30 am when a joint team of security forces went out on an anti-Naxal operation. In this Naxalite encounter, the District Reserve Guard (DRG) ), Special Task Force (STF) and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel were involved. The operation was launched on the basis of information from Divisional Committee members Mohan Kadati and Sumitra," Bastar Range Inspector General of Police Sundarraj P said.
"There were 30 to 40 accomplices in Pomara forest, located 400 km from Raipur. When a DRG team was patrolling Pomara forest, the encounter broke out. After the firing stopped, bodies of three Maoists including that of a woman were recovered from the spot," the IG added.