Raipur: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Saturday alleged an attempt was made to tarnish the image of Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman in the movie "Adipurush' and said the Congress government may consider banning it in the state if people demand so. He alleged that dialogues in the film are "objectionable and indecent" and questioned the "silence" of political parties which call themselves the custodian of religion, an apparent jibe at BJP.
When asked by reporters whether the state government will ban this movie, Baghel said, "The government will think about it (ban) if people will raise a demand in this direction". An attempt is being made to tarnish the image of all our deities. We have seen the gentle face of Lord Ram and that of Lord Hanuman drenched in devotion, but from the last few years an attempt is being made to change this image," he told reporters at his official residence.
Baghel said Hanuman has been introduced as a symbol of wisdom, power and devotion since our childhood, but in this film, "Lord Ram is shown as the 'Yuddhak' (warrior) Ram and Hanuman as the angry bird". Neither our ancestors imagined such an image of Lord Hanuman nor our society accepts it, he added.