Raipur: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Thursday inaugurated the 'oxy-zone' developed over 19 acres of land in Raipur. This oxy-zone developed at the cost of nearly Rs 11 crore will provide fresh air and a beautiful place for walks and amusement. This will play an important role in environmental conservation.
Chief Minister said: "This oxy-zone is an important step towards enhancing the greenery of the city." During the inaugural programme, Chief Minister planted a sapling of white sandalwood. In this oxy-zone developed over 12 acres of land near Collectorate premise, more than four thousand saplings of 75 various species have been planted at the cost of Rs 4 crore till date.
This oxy-zone will not only improve the environment of the city but will also serve as a great place for morning and evening walks and amusement for the citizens. On the occasion, Chief Minister said: "State Government is making consistent efforts to enhance greenery in the cities. Oxy-zone of Raipur is one of the important initiatives in this direction. We will have to make collective efforts to maintain the greenery of this oxy-zone."