Raipur: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Friday assigned portfolios, keeping Mineral Resources, Excise and General Administration Department with himself while giving home to deputy CM Vijay Sharma and finance ministry to IAS-officer-turned MLA O P Choudhary.
The strength of the state cabinet is 12.
Sai will also handle Energy, Public Relations, Commercial Tax (Excise) and Transport departments and all other departments not specifically assigned to any minister, said the gazette notification issued by the General Administration Department. Vijay Sharma was given key departments of Home and Jail, Panchayat and Rural Development, Technical Education and Employment and Science and Technology.
Another Deputy CM Arun Sao would handle Public Works, Public Health Engineering, Law and Legislative Affairs and Urban Administration departments.
O P Choudhary was assigned, besides Finance, Commercial Tax, Housing and Environment and Planning, Economics and Statistics departments.
Senior party MLA and minister Brijmohan Agrawal was allocated School Education, Higher Education, Tourism and Culture, Parliamentary Affairs and Dharmik Nyas (religious trust) and Dharmsva departments.