Raipur:Nine BJP MLAs on Friday took oath as ministers in the newly-elected Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai-led cabinet held at Raj Bhavan. During the swearing-in ceremony, several leaders including Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, Deputy Chief Ministers Arun Sao and Vijay Sharma, MPs, and MLAs were present on the spot.
However, Brijmohan Aggarwal, Kedar Kashyap, Ramvichar Netam, Dayal Das Baghel, Lakshmi Rajwade, Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, Tank Ram Verma, OP Chaudhary and Lakhan Lal Dewangan have become ministers in the new cabinet.
Brijmohan Aggarwal has been MLA representing the Raipur South Assembly for the last 37 years. The newly-elected minister registered the biggest victory in the Chhattisgarh Assembly Elections 2023 against Congress candidate Mahant Ramsundar Das by more than 67 thousand votes.
After the formation of the BJP government in Chhattisgarh, Ramvichar Netam, the powerful tribal leader, was made the Protem Speaker in the Assembly. He has also been the Home Minister in the Raman government and a Rajya Sabha MP. Ramvichar won the 2023 assembly elections by defeating Congress's Ajay Tirkey from the Ramanujganj seat by more than 30 thousand votes.
Kedar Kashyap was also a minister in the Raman government, who the 2023 State Assembly Elections representing the Narayanpur constituency. Dayal Das Baghel is a BJP MLA from Navagarh constituency and a former minister in the Raman government.