Raigarh (Chhattisgarh): The charred bodies of a woman and a kid were found in a crop stubble in a field in Chhattisgarh's Raipur, the police said on Monday. The incident took place in Netnagar under the Jutmil police station area. The identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained, the police said. According to locals, a fire broke out at the field. When the locals extinguished the fire, they found two burnt bodies. On receiving the information, the police and forensic team reached the spot and started an investigation into the matter.
Official sources said that wheel marks of a car were found at the spot. After the incident, the police issued an alert to all the police stations in the surrounding districts. The information about missing people is being collected from all the police stations. Since Netnagar village is close to the border of Odisha, it is feared that the deceased may be from Odisha, official sources said. Hence, the police contacted the Odisha police. Injuries were also found on the woman's head. After questioning the villagers, the bodies will be shifted for post-mortem, they said.