Kanker (Chhattisgarh):In a mysterious incident, a burning car, with all its passengers missing, was found near Chawadi village in Charama tehsil of Chhattisgarh's Kanker district late on Wednesday night. While no victims were found in the car at the time, it has been revealed as per primary investigation that four passengers had set out from Raipur in the vehicle, said the police.
"The car belongs to a family living in Pakhanjur (also in Kanker), who had left Raipur in the car to return home. Although the vehicle was found burning near Chawadi village in Charama, all four family members, a couple and their two children, are missing. It was scoured by the forensic team, but nothing significant has been recovered yet," Charama Police Station in-charge Nitin Tiwari said.