Durg: Chhattisgarh Health Minister TS Singh Deo on Sunday said that incumbent Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel will be the CM face of the party in the upcoming Assembly elections. Chhattisgarh is going to the polls next year. Health Minister TS Singh Deo during his visit to Bhilai, said, "The Chief Minister of the state would be the CM face in the upcoming polls." Responding to a query on the promises of the Congress manifesto in the last Assembly elections in Chhattisgarh, the Health Minister said, "After the formation of the government, we fulfilled many promises."
Bhupesh Baghel to be Congress's CM face in ensuing Chhattisgarh Assembly polls: Health Minister
Over a question over the promises of the Congress manifesto in last assembly elections in Chhattisgarh, the Health Minister said, "Congress had gone with a resolution. After the formation of the government, the government has fulfilled many promises.
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Many announcements have been made, including loan waiver, the MSP for paddy and power amnesty. There are also some demands, which have not been fulfilled. The government is trying to fulfil all the promises." Singh Deo also spoke on the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' of the Congress. Rahul Gandhi started this yatra to meet the people of the country directly. Till now lakhs of people have joined the yatra, he said. While lashing out at the Centre over inflation, he said, "It is at its peak in the country today. The price of the cylinder has exceeded Rs 1,100. The price of petrol and diesel went beyond Rs 100."