Raipur (Chhattisgarh):After Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh urged farmers to protest outside Punjab, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel invited the protesting farmers to his state. Baghel has also extended his support to the proposed Kisan Mahapanchayat at Rajim in Chhattisgarh on September 28. He said that the farmers' movement is to put the interests of the farmers before the government so they are supporting it.
'We welcome farmer leaders if they are coming here. If they ask for support, we will definitely give it to them. The movement which was going on in Delhi was first started by our national leader Rahul Gandhi. In Punjab and Haryana, he travelled by tractor. Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi has also continuously organized Kisan Mahapanchayat in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan," Baghel stated.
More than 10 thousand farmers are expected to gather at Chhattisgarh Kisan Mahapanchayat on Sept. 28. The development has heated up the local politics too. If the farmers' organization are to be believed, more than 10,000 farmers are likely to gather in this Kisan Mahapanchayat. Local-level meetings are continuously held in the villages of late.
It could be noted that Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Monday urged farmers to spare Punjab from their protests against the three central farm laws and advised them to shift their sit-in venues to Delhi borders or in Haryana. Singh made the appeal to farmers arguing that their ongoing agitation at 113 places in Punjab was hampering the state's economic development and asked them to mount pressure at the Centre from Delhi borders instead.
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