Durg: Amid India's spectacular in the Asian Games 2023, a 9 year old girl from Durg district of Chhattisgarh has created a world record in swimming by registering her name in the Golden Book of Records by swimming in water for 5 hours, sources said. Tanushree, hailing from Purai village of Durg district has brought laurels not only to Chhattisgarh but also to the entire country.
Tanushree made this record by swimming continuously in water for 5 hours. Sources said that officials of the Golden Book of Records were also present at the time of the world record on Sunday. The visiting officials from the Golden Book of Records conducted a video recording of Tanushree's swimming as part of the documentation exercise.
A large number of villagers and public representatives were present on the spot to encourage Tanushree. As soon as Tanushree came out of the pond after making the record, locals welcomed the young girl with applause. After this, the team of doctors conducted medical examination of Tanushree. Talking about her rare feat on the occasion, Tanushree said, “I have made a world record in the field of swimming. In the future, I want to make a record of swimming for 12 hours”.