In Prayagraj, where he took a holy dip in the Sangam at the ongoing Kumbh, Gadkari also inaugurated the IInd phase of the River Information System (RIS) the 410-km Farakka-Patna stretch, and a fish passage through Farakka Navigation Lock on National Waterways-1 (NW-1).
This has been done to ensure better breeding of the Hilsa fish, an official informed.
"The DPR is ready and very soon work will start on the project which will enable people to go to the national capital from Prayagraj," the minister said.
He added that there was huge scope for fibre glass boats since he realised during his visit that the boats in the Ganga were very old.
"If the state government allocates land, the shipping ministry would be happy to put up a factory for manufacture of such boats in Prayagraj," the minister announced.
This, he pointed out, would give impetus to the local fishing community and also add to the tourism department footfalls. Gadkari also assured the people that by next year the Ganga would be cleaner than it is now.