Siwan: In an unfortunate incident, a young man was found hanging from a tree after he went to meet his girlfriend in the Siwan district of Bihar with his family alleging murder by the girl's family. The deceased has been identified as Chandan Kumar, a resident of Kahatti village, under the Jiradei police station area.
The family said that Chandan who is working as a crane operator in Kolkata in West Bengal had recently returned home on the Chhath festival and went straight to his girlfriend's house before reaching his home.
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Kumar was found hanging from a tree the next morning. The villagers saw the dead body hanging from the tree and informed the family members. The family soon reached the spot along with police personnel who recovered the body. The relatives said the body had injury marks alleging that the girl's family had beaten Kumar to death.
The relatives said that Chandan was in love with a girl from the same village for about four years. SHO Rakesh Kumar said that the body has been sent to Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. "The matter is said to be of a love affair. The matter is being investigated," Kumar said.