Muzaffarpur: In a shocking incident reported from Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, a woman along with her husband allegedly killed her paramour and later confessed her crime before the police. Police have taken the woman into custody while her husband is absconding after the murder. A police official said that the incident took place within the Karja police station limits of Muzaffarpur district.
The deceased has been identified as Pramod Kumar. Sources said that the woman called her paramour to her house and along with her husband killed her by strangulating him. Sources said that the woman's husband used to be away from home for work. Her wife started having an affair with a young man from the village itself.
Sources said that the woman's husband came to know about the illicit relationship. Fearing repercussions, the woman hatched a conspiracy to kill her paramour to win her husband's trust. The woman told her husband that the youth harasses her and motivated him to eliminate her paramour. Later, as part of the conspiracy, the woman called her paramour home by deception and both the husband and wife together strangled him to death with a rope, sources said.