Patna: Bihar student Riya Kumari whose question over free sanitary napkins to IAS officer Harjot Kaur Bhamra at a workshop on Thursday elicited a controversial answer from the latter drawing widespread flak, has stood by her query. In a video that has now gone viral on social media, Bhamra, who is the managing director of Bihar Women Development Corporation, left everyone stunned with her reply after Kumari asked why the government cannot provide sanitary pads at Rs 20 to Rs 30.
Kumari stood by her queries to the IAS officer over sanitary napkins. “My question (on sanitary pads) wasn't wrong. I can buy them but many live in slums and can't afford them. So, I asked the question not just for myself but for all girls. We went there with a concern and not to fight,” Kumari said. She said that she did not ask any wrong question to Bhamra.
Responding to the student, Bhamra said, "tomorrow you will expect the government to give you family planning methods and condoms too". The controversial exchange of words took place at a one-day workshop on women empowerment organized in Patna by the Women and Child Development Corporation with the help of UNICEF.