Patna:Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MP Manoj has dashed off a letter to the Election Commission seeking counting of votes through postal ballots before the votes through EVMs for the Bihar by-polls result. The election for Tarapur and Kusheshwar Asthan assembly constituencies is scheduled to be held on Oct. 30 and the result will be declared on Nov. 2.
Manoj gave a reference to the 'Conduct of Election Rule' 1961' and said that the Returning Officers at both the constituencies should be instructed to count the votes from postal ballots first.
He said, "it is mentioned in the Section 54A in The Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 that the returning officer shall first deal with the postal ballot papers in the manner hereinafter provided. I have requested the EC to instruct the officers as mentioned in the Election Rule. The postal vote should be counted in the same room along with other votes. The postal ballot should not be counted in a separate room,"