Katihar: The Katihar police on Thursday detained suspected terrorist Yusuf Waza's son Nasir and handed him over to RAW. After interrogating Nasir, the intelligence agency has found that he has a Pakistani connection. He was also seen giving anti-national speeches on YouTube videos. This apart, his involvement in any criminal or anti-national activity is yet to be revealed.
Suspected terrorist Yusuf Waza was killed in an encounter in Kashmir in 1993. As per information available with intelligence agency, Nasir had escaped to Finland after his father's encounter. Nasir's alleged Pakistan connection has come to the fore and his mobile phone records are being scrutinised.
Officials, however, refused to divulge the case details. Superintendent of Police Jitendra Kumar said information will be shared after completing the investigation. "It is not possible to say anything now, the investigation is going on and whatever is revealed during the investigation, will be shared" he said. According to sources, the youth had entered India from Nepal in Jogbani. The police recovered half a dozen debit cards from his possession.