Gaya:It looks like, thesecurity forces have thwarted the murderous plan of Naxalites in Bihar's Gaya. During the search operation on Monday, a large number of explosives have been recovered from the Anjanwa hill area of the Madanpur police station area. During this, 150 pieces of IED, generator, HP laser printer, stabilizer petrol, and food items were seized. However, officials are refusing to confirm this. Further action and search operations are still on.
According to information received from sources, security forces conducted a search operation in the mountain and forest areas of Chhakarbandha and Madanpur police station area of the Gaya-Aurangabad district border. During this, a series of IEDs were found in many places. The IEDs were placed in a planned manner to cause maximum damage to the Security Forces Squadron (SFS).