Begusarai (Bihar): Union Minister Giriraj Singh while speaking to reporters in Bihar's Begusarai district made a scathing attack on opposition leaders over the inauguration of the newly constructed Parliament building in New Delhi on May 28. Lambasting the leaders belonging to different political parties, Singh asked, "Who will inaugurate the new Parliament building? If Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not inaugurate the new structure then the Prime Minister of Pakistan or President of China will come forward to inaugurate the new Parliament building."
Issuing warnings to opposition leaders, the Union Minister said, "When the world was giving utmost respect to our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. World leaders were looking at India with lots of hopes and aspirations. This happened due to the pragmatic leadership of our Prime Minister. No Indian Prime Minister was given the kind of respect that our PM Modi has been receiving from the world leaders. Hence, the opposition members should not overstretch the issue too much. Otherwise, it could lead to the insult of our Prime Minister."