Patna:BJP MP Ravi Shankar Prasad on Monday criticised Bihar government for giving a Rs 1600-crore ambulance contract to a firm owned by JD(U) MP Chandeshwar Prasad Chandravanshi's son and demanded an impartial inquiry into the matter. Prasad said that several anomalies have been found in the company, named Pashupatinath Distributors Private Limited.
The BJP leader alleged that rules were tweaked in the tender process to award the contract to Pashupatinath Distributors Private Limited. Major companies that had applied in the tender process by quoting lower prices were ignored by the government, he said adding that the Bihar government flouted the rules and regulations to favour the company.
"The manner in which the decision has been taken raises serious questions about the safety of pregnant women and children. We expect that the government will conduct an impartial inquiry into the matter. Till the probe is conducted, the contract should be halted, " Prasad said.