Patna: In a controversial statement, Bihar's Education Minister Chandrashekhar said that the Hindu scripture "Ramcharitmanas" should be burnt like "Manusmriti" because it "spreads hatred in the society". He made the statements in presence of Bihar's Governor Fagu Chauhan, at the 15th convocation of Nalanda Open University held at Bapu Auditorium in Patna on Wednesday.
“The Ramcharitmanas is a book that spreads hatred in society. It prevents Dalits, backward and women from studying and getting their rights. Manusmriti sowed the seeds of hatred in society. Ramcharitmanas also created hatred in society. And today, Guru Golwalkar's thoughts are spreading hatred in society. Babasaheb Ambedkar burnt Manusmriti because it talks about taking away the rights of Dalits and the underprivileged," the Minister said.