New Delhi:Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) national spokesperson Nawal Kishore on Friday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar may rally together any number of times, but this will not benefit the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) in the Bihar Assembly elections. Nitish Kumar has realized that the public is unhappy with his work.
He said that Nitish knows that he will not get votes based on his face value and that's why he is dependent on PM Modi. At the same time, PM Modi did nothing for Bihar in 6 years and so it's clear that the NDA has lost Bihar elections.
Bihar has had the highest rate of unemployment in the last 15 years under Nitish's rule. Kishore said the poor labourers are in a bad situation under the current government and that's why the public has made up its mind to remove the Nitish government.