Patna:After being slammed by Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar in the state Assembly, president of the Hindustani Awam Morcha-Secular (HAM-S) Jitan Ram Majhi sat on a protest outside the Speaker's chamber condemning the incident. Alleging of a conspiracy to eliminate Kumar for the CM's chair, Majhi said poison is being fed to Kumar for the last few days leading him to lose his mental stability.
Sitting outside Speaker Avadh Bihari Chaudhary's chamber, Manjhi alleged that a conspiracy is on to get hold of the CM's chair. "For the last few days, poisonous substances are being mixed in Kumar's food. As a result of which, instead of garlanding the photograph of Mahavir Choudhary, he offered flowers to the Ashok Choudhary, who is alive," Majhi said.
He further said that it was unfortunate that an 80-year-old public representative like him got slammed by a 74-year-old chief minister. "He (Nitish Kumar) obtained his degree in 1967-68 while I got mine in 1966. I was an MLA in 1980s and Nitish was MLA in 1985. He shouldn't have used such a language while talking to me yesterday," Majhi complained.