New Delhi: The Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) on Wednesday reiterated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi belonged to the entire country and not just a single party, amid a row over the use of the PM's images on posters in the lead up to the Assembly elections in Bihar
"The Prime Minister is not a mere party leader, but belongs to the entire nation. He is a model of development for us, and stands for the idea of a developed nation. We are not using him, but will take his ideas forward. We are contesting elections for the pride of Biharis, and even PM Mod wants them to gain respect," LJP spokesperson Sanjay Singh said.
Earlier in the day, the BJP had warned that it would lodge an FIR against any non-NDA party, if it uses the photographs of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Bihar assembly elections, an assertion seen as a snub to the LJP which has exited from the ruling coalition in Bihar and decided to go solo in the polls.
Read:No faith in Nitish Kumar, but have credence over PM Modi, says Chirag