Patna:Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, drawing his attention towards a female ascetic hailing from the state who has been on a fast for more than a month with the demand of "concrete action" for Ganga rejuvenation.
In his letter, Kumar expressed fears of "deterioration of health" of Sadhvi Padmavati - who hails from his native district of Nalanda, and has been living in Haridwar without food since December 15 last year.
The prime minister had last month chaired the first meeting of the National Ganga Council in Kanpur and said that rejuvenation of the river should be a shining example of cooperative federalism.
According to officials, the central government had made a commitment of providing Rs 20,000 crore for the period 2015-20 to the five states through which the Ganga passes, to ensure adequate and uninterrupted flow.