Patna(Bihar) : Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's Tamil Nadu tour has been cancelled at the last minute. On his behalf, Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav has now left for Chennai along with Minister Sanjay Jha. Both will participate in the program organized in memory of former TN Chief Minister Karuna Nidhi.
TN Chief Minister Stalin had invited Nitish Kumar to the program but the Bihar CM could not go there on health grounds, sources said. Nitish Kumar actually planned to go to TN and invite Stalin to attend the meeting of opposition parties in Patna on June 23. Nobody had information about the cancellation of his visit till the last moment. In fact, Tejashwi Yadav waited for Nitish Kumar for more than half an hour, but the CM did not turn up.
The reason why Nitish Kumar's Tamil Nadu tour was cancelled at the last moment is not clear yet. It is said that Nitish Kumar is busy with many government programs. Along with this, his poor health is also cited as a reason. In the last few years, relations between Stalin and Tejashwi Yadav have improved.
Earlier on March 1, Tejashwi Yadav reached Chennai on the 70th birthday of Chief Minister Stalin. Tejashwi wished him on his birthday. Both of them met when the TN police were taking action over YouTuber Manish Kashyap's fake video.
As per an earlier schedule, Nitish had to take part in the inauguration of various projects taken up by the ruling DMK in memory of late former CM M Karunanidhi. The venue is Tiruvarur, a native district of Karunanidhi. TN Chief Minister Stalin has invited Nitish Kumar and Tejaswhi to these programs being held as part of the Karunanidhi centenary celebrations.