New Delhi:Firing a fresh salvo at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) chief Chirag Paswan on Wednesday said that he and his party Janata Dal (United) have done preparations to ditch the BJP and join Rashtriya Dal Party (RJD) after the poll results are out.
"A single vote given to Nitish Kumar Ji will not only weaken and ruin Bihar, but will also strengthen the RJD and the Grand Alliance. He has done preparations to leave the BJP and go with the RJD after the elections. Earlier also, he has formed the government with the blessings of RJD," read Paswan's tweet roughly translated from Hindi.
"Bihar was infamous for the first 15 years. Bihar is in bad condition in second 15 years. But now with all your blessings, we have to make Bihari First and Nitish-free government. LJP is contesting more seats than Nitish Kumar. BJP-LJP government will be formed after winning more seats than Nitish Kumar," he said in another tweet.
Voting began on 71 constituencies spread across 16 districts in the first phase of Bihar Assembly elections on Wednesday at 7 am.