New Delhi:Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) National Spokesperson Dr Nawal Kishore said that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar-led Bihar government is likely to fall soon as infighting within the state government is deepening with each passing day. Kishore said that most of the NDA ministers and MLAs are upset with the Nitish government and it is evident with the announcement of the resignation of Bihar Social Welfare Minister Madan Sahni.
Sahni, while announcing his resignation, had said that nothing moves in the Bihar government without money and officials do not listen to their own minister then how will he be able to serve the public? Kishore said that Sahni also received support from former Chief Minister and Hindustani Awam Morcha National President Jitan Ram Manjhi. Notably, the BJP-JDU coalition government does not have a majority and Nitish's government is running with the support of Manjhi who has four MLAs.
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