Patna:Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has countered Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren's comments about Bhojpuri and Magahi languages. Nitish Kumar said that the people of both the states have unwavering love and reverence for each other but don't know why political people speak about such things. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said that the people of Bihar have love and respect for the people of Jharkhand and vice versa. He added that both states were together as part of Bihar before Jharkhand becoming a separate state in 2000. However, even today, there is no separation of any kind between Jharkhand and Bihar.
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The Bihar CM said that people speaking a particular language live everywhere within the country. He added that the language of Bihar is spoken in UP. Similarly, the language of Bengal is spoken in Bihar as well. People speak different languages and are present everywhere. In such a situation, it is not right to comment on any language.