Gaya (Bihar): During his 'Samadhan Yatra' in Gaya, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said that the ongoing neera stalls will not be closed and that all steps will be taken to enhance the income of the neera producers. He has also clarified that necessary instructions have been given to the authorities concerned to make sure there is no disruption in the activities of these shops.
CM Nitish visited Elora village in Baodh Gaya block of Gaya district as part of the Samadhan Yatra on Saturday. Accompanied by people's representatives and officials, he inspected the stalls at the neera exhibition camp one by one. He also interacted with the people involved in preparing the neera. Meanwhile, the women who made a variety of sweets from neera spoke to the CM about the local issues.
The women were all praise for the Chief Minister for taking steps to increase the neera production by stopping sale of alcohol. The elated women also sang a song to welcome the Chief Minister. At the end of the song, Nitish Kumar himself got up and cheered the women by clapping his hands. He assured the women that all support would be extended to them.