Bhagalpur: In a shocking incident reported on the auspicious occasion of Independence Day on Aug. 15 Tuyesday, a youth said to be mentally deranged beat two elderly persons to death and dragged the body of one of them for 500 meters along the National Highway 80 in Bhagalpur district of Bihar, official sources said.
The bone chilling twin murder has been caught on camera with the video being widely shared on the Internet leaving locals in anger and shock. It is learnt that the accused identified as Mohammad Azad kept attacking the an elderly man and an elderly woman with bricks, iron rods and chains while walking on the highway.
The incident is said to have taken place at Rani Talab area of Industrial Police Station area. The young man kept beating both of them for about half an hour till he realized that they were dead, sources said. While the man died on the spot in the attack, the woman succumbed at the hospital. Sources said that the passersby acted as mute spectators while the assailant killed the two elderly men on the highway.