Buxar (Bihar): In a shocking incident, a five-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a 31-year-old man in Bihar's Buxar on Thursday. Police said that the accused lured the girl on the pretext of giving her chocolates, after which he raped her. The incident took place in a village under the Simri police station area limits in the Dumraon subdivision of the district. Sources said that the family members of the victim were first afraid to register the complaint.
According to police sources, the incident came to light when media personnel informed about the incident to the Dumraon Sub Divisional Police Officer Afaq Ansari. Following which, the minor was taken to Simri Primary Health Center for medical examination. A manhunt has also been launched to nab the accused after police received a tip-off that the accused was still hiding in the village.
Manish Kumar, Superintendent of Police (SP) said, "A minor girl was raped on Thursday under the Simri police station area limits. The accused raped the minor girl on the pretext of offering chocolates. The girl reached her home and told about the ordeal to her parents. Her family members were afraid to register a complaint. A media personnel informed the police about the incident after which police teams swung into action. Police team have been rushed to the village to nab the accused after we received a tip-off that the accused was hiding in the village. "