Darbhanga (Bihar):Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the passengers during his ride in the Delhi metro on Sunday. PM Modi, who turned 73 yesterday, hopped on the Delhi Metro's Airport Express Line on his way to inaugurate the Yashobhoomi Convention Centre in Dwarka. During his interaction with the passengers, a man from Bihar questioned the construction of AIIMS in the state.
Bahadur Shah from Bihar's Darbhanga was on his way to the airport with his family when the Prime Minister of India suddenly came and sat next to him. Bahadur said that never in his wildest dreams he thought of sitting next to the Prime Minister. Ram Bahadur Shah, a resident of Rampur village of Keoti block was visiting his son in Delhi. On Sunday, Bahadur along with his wife and son were travelling in the metro to go to the airport. This is when he received one of the biggest surprises of his life PM Modi sat next to him.