New Delhi: Amid the heated Lok Sabha poll campaigns making the rounds on social media, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) President and former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav shared an old dubsmash video of himself mouthing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's words promising "achche din" back in 2014.
Mocking the Prime Minister, Yadav shared the 17-second video on Twitter on Saturday, captioning it "Muft mei le lo 15 lakh, achche din aur jumla" which roughly translates to "Take for free Rs 15 lakh, good days and campaign rhetoric".
Modi's voice saying "Every Indian will get Rs 15-20 lakh" is vividly audible in the video in which Lalu Prasad is seen lip-syncing clad in a grey t-shirt.