Patna:On a day when Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) is celebrating silver jubilee of its foundation, Janata Dal United (JDU) has thrown 25 questions to leader of opposition in Bihar assembly Tejashwi Yadav.
Neeraj Kumar, the former minister and JDU MLC said: "During the 15 years rule of Lalu Prasad and Rabri Devi, everyone knew the condition of Bihar. There was corruption, crime, massacres, and a dismal law and order situation at that time. Lalu Prasad and his son Tejashwi Yadav should point out those infamous incidents before the common people of Bihar."
"RJD chief Lalu Prasad is ill and other members of the families are involved in ascendancy fight to take control of the party," Kumar said. "Tejashwi Yadav, during the assembly election, had removed the photograph of his father from the poster when he was in jail. Now, he is on bail, which is why he included Lalu Prasad's photo on the poster. Tejashwi should answer it," Kumar said.