Patna:Bihar Pradesh Congress in-charge Shaktisinh Gohil on Friday said that if Lalu Prasad Yadav was not in jail then all the work of the alliance would be done smoothly by now. Even though he described Tejashwi Yadav as the leader of the opposition, Gohil said it would have been much better to have Lalu amidst the chaos created by the grand alliance.
Gohil added that there are some leaders in Congress and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) who are making false statements for personal interest. But our aim is to defeat the fascist forces, so we do not care for any statement that weakens the alliance.
Hailing Gautam Buddha, Gohil said that Congress is following the path of the philosopher and taking the middle way. He added that it is harmful to anyone to hold high strut or bend over.
Also read: 'No break' in Grand Alliance, says Congress Party