Patna: A former minister of Bihar government has become a victim of sextortion with a fraudster duping him of Rs 20000 in an extortion case, police said on Saturday. Police said that the fraudsters are now demanding Rs 2 lakh from the victim. The former minister has lodged a written complaint in the cyber police station regarding the cyber fraud.
Sources privy to the development said that a few days ago, a friend request was made on the former minister's Facebook by one user named 'Seema' which the former minister accepted. Sources said that the two got close to each other and after chatting initially on the social networking site, the woman talked to the former minister for a few days.
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One fine day a video call was made to the former minister by the woman. As soon as he picked up the call, the Facebook friend filmed him in obscene videos using a screen recorder and started blackmailing him, the former minister told police in the complaint. "One day I got a call from her on Facebook. I picked up the phone.
As soon as I saw her in an objectionable position, I hung up the video call. But she recorded my video and started blackmailing me," the former minister said. He said that the fraudster first demanded Rs 20 thousand but later asked for Rs 2 lakh. The former minister took the help of the police and lodged a complaint in the police station.
Police is investigating in this matter. According to the police, a written complaint has been lodged while investigation is being undertaken in the case.