Patna (Bihar) : The Bihar Police came down heavily on the BJP prominent leaders for holding their assembly march in Patna on July 13. A case has been filed against 63 senior BJP leaders for breaking barricades and creating ruckus in violation of the restrictions. The FIR has been lodged against state BJP president Samrat Choudhary, former deputy CMs Tarkishore Prasad and Renu Devi, former Union minister Shahnawaz Hussain among others.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders launched protests on many issues in the capital Patna. Tension mounted on that day when the assembly march was taken out by the BJP from the historical Gandhi Maidan of Patna via Ramgoolam Chowk to the Dak Bungalow square of Patna, where the police tried to stop them. For many hours there was a scuffle with BJP workers, MPs and MLAs, in which many workers were also injured, while policemen also sustained wounds.
In view of which the police registered an FIR against 63 key BJP leaders. They were released from the police station after giving the bond. Along with this, a case was also registered against 7 to 8 thousand unknown activists. Due to this action of the police, once again the BJP has taken an aggressive stand. The FIR also named former union minister Ramkripal Yadav, Aurangabad MP Sushil Kumar Singh, former Bihar ministers Nitin Navin and Mangal Pandey.