New Delhi:Tightening its noose around the Maoists in Bihar, the Enforcement Directorate on Friday filed a charge sheet against nine people, including Musafir Sahni and Anil Ram, 'area Commanders' of CPI (Maoist) group.
A senior ED official said the agency has filed a charge sheet under the charges of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, before a Special Judge of PMLA court in Bihar's Patna against 9 persons, including Sahni and Ram, both 'area commanders', CPI (Maoist), Bihar-Jharkhand Special Area Committee.
He said the charge sheet has been filed before the court seeking punishment of offences under money-laundering and confiscation of attached properties consisting of 11 plots in Vaishali, two plots in Muzaffarpur, three plots in Lakhnauri, balances in bank accounts, seized cash, a truck and motorcycle, an advance given for property in Delhi totalling to Rs 54.14 lakh.
The official said the charge-sheet was filed on the basis of investigation that revealed that proceeds of crime generated through the collection of levy, dacoity and extortion have been utilized for the acquisition of assets in the name of accused family members so that the same can be projected as untainted.
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