Bhagalpur:In a bizarre incident, a man forgot to attend his own wedding in Bihar's Bhagalpur on Monday. The incident took place in Sultanganj village. According to sources, the marriage procession was about to go from Antichak of Kahalgaon to Sultanganj. The groom had consumed alcohol, the night before his wedding. However, under the influence of alcohol, the groom forgot to attend his own wedding.
Meanwhile, the bride and her entire family kept waiting for the groom but he didn't reach there. On Tuesday, when the groom gained consciousness, he reached the bride's house to marry her. However, the bride refused him to marry him and said that a man who cannot realize his responsibility, then how could she be able to spend her life with him?
At the same time, the bride's family members demanded to return whatever expenses were incurred in the marriage arrangements. The relatives of the bride took some of the groom's relatives hostage. Acting on a tip-off, the local police reached the spot. According to police sources, the matter was settled and the police brought the situation under control.