New Delhi: The Congress on Thursday, demanded the immediate suspension of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and his deputy Sushil Modi over the incident of firing in Munger, which the party compared to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
Addressing a press briefing, Congress Spokesperson Gourav Vallabh said, "101 years ago, in 1919, General Dyer killed hundreds of people by firing at them when they were attending a public gathering at Jallianwala Bagh. The same kind of incident occurred in Bihar, where devotees of Maa Durga were beaten up by lathis and even shot by the police, resulting in the death of a person."
"Earlier it was said that the police did not fire any bullet, but when a person got seriously injured, a shell of the bullet was found from his body which was either of the police or military," he asserted.
Violent clashes had erupted between police and a group of people in Munger, over the delay in immersion ceremony of the Goddess Durga idol. While one person was reportedly shot in the head, more than 25 people were injured in the clashes.