New Delhi:Food Processing Minister in the Union Cabinet Pashupati Kumar Paras on Friday welcomed the Delhi High Court's decision on dismissing Chirag Paswan's plea challenging his recognition as the leader of Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) in the Lok Sabha. Paras termed Chirag's petition as 'unconstitutional' and said that he has full faith in the judiciary. The Union Minister said that Chirag has not only challenged Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's decision but also the Constitution of India which runs the entire nation.
He said that Chirag's move is wrong and democracy does not support these kinds of actions. "My factions of LJP followed the path of truth since the beginning and will continue to do so. In parliament, numbers are seen and we have numbers," he added. Earlier in the day, the Delhi High Court said that it does not find absolutely any merit in the petition filed by Chirag Paswan and termed it as 'baseless'. Chirag's petition sought setting aside Om Birla's June 14 circular showing the name of Paras as leader of Jan Lokshakti Party in the Lok Sabha.
Read:|HC dismisses Chirag Paswan's plea challenging LS Speaker's decision to recognise Paras as LoP
Chirag had earlier accused Paras of violating the party's constitution and that the latter had already been expelled from the party for "betraying" its leadership. 'When Paras is not a member of the LJP party, it is inappropriate for the Lok Sabha Speaker to recognize him as the leader of the LJP parliamentary party," he claimed in his plea.