Vaishali: The CBI on Thursday took a top railway official at the Zonal Office of Hajipur East Central Railway in Bihar's Vaishali into custody even as it also questioned another railway official at the Sonpur Railway Division, officials said on Friday. It was not immediately known in which case the raids were carried out.
According to the reliable sources, a CBI team of six officials arrived at the Hajipur East Central Railway's zonal office late in the evening on Thursday. At the Hajipur East Central Railway's zonal office, the CBI sleuths interrogated Controller Abhay Kumar for around two hours.
After a long interrogation, the CBI officials took Abhay Kumar with them, sources said. After the raid at the Hajipur East Central Railway's zonal office, the team reached the DRM office of Sonpur Railway Division, where Chief Medical Superintendent Manoj Kant Gupta was also interrogated at length as per sources.