Muzaffarpur:The heat of protest against Shah Rukh Khan starrer 'Pathaan' now seems to be affecting the shooting of his upcoming movie 'Return Ticket', which was going on in Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttarakhand. Advocate Sudhir Ojha filed a case in the court against eight film personalities, including film actor Shah Rukh Khan, at Bihar's Muzaffarpur. The next hearing of the case has been fixed on January 3, 2023.
The controversy erupted after the release of a song from the movie, 'Besharam Rang' where Deepika Padukone is seen wearing a saffron-coloured bikini. The protesters said obscenity is being promoted through the song and it hurts Hindu sentiments. Home Minister of Madhya Pradesh Narottam Mishra has asked the filmmakers to fix Deepika's dress, or else the film will not be allowed to be released in Madhya Pradesh.