Patna: The body of a female constable with bullet injuries was found in a hotel room in Bihar's Patna, the police said on Friday. The deceased has been identified as Shobha Kumari. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and launched a probe into the incident. According to official sources, Shobha's husband identified as Gajendra Kumar reached the hotel in the city on Thursday night and booked a room. Shobha Kumari also reached the hotel early on Friday morning. Sources said that there was a scuffle between the couple and he shot his wife on her head at around 10 am in the hotel room.
Body of female constable with bullet injuries found at hotel in Bihar's Patna
In a shocking turn of events, the body of a woman was found in a hotel room in Patna. The woman had bullet injuries on his head.
Published : Oct 20, 2023, 7:06 PM IST
Sources further said that vermilion was found scattered and a pistol was also recovered from the room. Meanwhile, the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) has reached the crime scene to collect the evidence. Deputy Superintendent of Police Krishna Murari Prasad said, "The hotel operator informed about the incident at around 12 pm on Friday. Both are residents of Jehanabad. The body has been sent for post-mortem. Raids are being conducted to arrest the absconded husband. Currently, the team is investigating the reason behind the murder. Action will be taken according to law."