Patna: Former Chief Minister Rabri Devi was grilled by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in New Delhi on Thursday in the land for a job scam. Speaking to reporters, Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav, who is the younger son of Rabri Devi, lambasted the BJP. "The ED's grilling process was about to start after the completion of Karnataka assembly polls. There was no surprise element in it. It was to happen. The BJP leaders are worrying about the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Right now, my name was not included in the charge sheet. But, one should not be surprised. If my name is included in the supplementary chargesheet," said Tejashwi
Speaking further, the deputy chief minister, said, "How many times the investigating agency conducted grilling even they (ED) might be not not knowing. The case was closed by the probing agency and again it was reopened. But, the outcome was nothing. I am not worrying about it. As I had said earlier when the Grand Alliance coalition government came to power in Bihar, the BJP started working on its agenda."