Madhubani (Bihar): A youth from Bihar's Madhubani district became a millionaire overnight by winning Rs 1 crore on the online fantasy cricket platform Dream11. There is a festive mood at the house of the 19-year-old Shanu Kumar Mehta, son of grocery businessman Rajesh Mehta after he won a whopping amount when he created a fantasy team in Australia's Bash Winning Competition and fetched himself Rs 1 crore.
A crowd of well-wishers gathered at Shanu's house soon after the news spread. Shanu is the eldest of three siblings. He is a Class XII student from the Faculty of Science. He is taking cricket coaching at Virender Sehwag Cricket Academy while staying in Delhi. Shanu said that he did not believe in the first place that he won, but when he saw the message on his phone, his happiness knew no bounds.